Friday, November 14, 2014

Painting requirements at tourneys,

I am a bit old school when it comes to painting, I started playing 40k back when you needed "3 colours and based" as a minimum to field an army in a tournament.

I have been a bit dismayed by the level of painting in warmahordes events. I have faced entire armies of un painted models and in many cases there is at least one unpainted model.

I feel as though it would be easy for all tournaments to require at the very least that all models be primed  prior to being fielded in an army. Spray them brown, or black, or grey or green, or whatever you want but at least spray them. It is easy to prime models, and if models were primed it would be that much easier for people to paint their models.. :)

but as I said, I'm a bit old school, I would never field a model in a tourney that was not at least primed, and my goal is always to have a fully painted list in any tournament in any game system I play.

my $0.02


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