Saturday, December 6, 2014

35 Points

So my two latest games have been against Retribution and Cryx

I won both by assassination, which I have come to find, is my main game plan: Make the other guy commit to the scenario and then go for an assassination. I don't forget about scenario, but I just haven't been able to build list with enough staying power to win by scenario.

Circle needing to win by scenario isn't the reason for this post though, this post is about points.

I have been playing a lot of 50 point games lately, and I have been having a really hard time. Too many choices.. too many units.. too much time per turn/activation.. etc.

My last two games were 35 points and I find it really refreshing. I was better able to prioritize my actions and target the right units. In short I just don't think I am experienced enough to play well at 50 points.

It was a good lesson to learn early, I rushed in to playing at the 50 point level, and I don't think I built a strong enough foundation.

Those of you who are new to warmahordes would be wise to stick to the 35 point level until you are confident you can make good clean decisions before moving to 50 points.

Just my opinion as always :)


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