Saturday, January 24, 2015

Had a 35 point Game last night,

First game in a while,

I faced Cygnar, and didnt really think about what to use.

I brought pKreuger + Bloodtrackers a Stalker and a bunch of other things to round out the 35 points. After I deployed I realized that pKreuger may not be the best guy to bring since I remembered that a bunch of Cygnar stuff is immune to electricity.

It worked out though because his caster wasn't immune,  and I was able to get a few control point and pull off a turn 4 assassination with chain lightning

I never used Kreuger's feat which could have been helpful, I need to get better at choosing when to feat as I finish a lot of my games without doing it.

It was a fun game, thanks Marty,
